fashion girl

Fashion Media and marketing

All forms of media are crucial to the marketing of fashion. In the latter half of the 18th century, specialised fashion magazines first appeared in France and England. Fashion periodicals like the French La Mode Illustrée, the British Lady’s Realm,…

Fashion shows

Fashion shows

In addition to retailers (like fashion buyers), fashion designers and manufacturers also market their products directly to consumers as well as to the media (fashion journalists). Parisian couture houses started providing their clients with private viewings of the newest trends…


various traits like quality, affordability

For businesses that do sell their own products at retail, product compatibility with their own customer base is of utmost importance to marketers. Marketing includes promotional activities like print and other media advertising at both the wholesale and retail levels…

Fashion retailing

Fashion retailing, marketing, and merchandising

After the clothing has been created and produced, it must be sold. However, how will clothing get from the maker to the consumer? Retail refers to the industry of purchasing clothing from producers and selling it to consumers. Three to…

design and production

Key sectors of the fashion industry

Textile design and production The majority of clothing is made of textiles. One of the first successes of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century was the partial automation of the spinning and weaving of wool, cotton, and other natural fibres.…