What is a “Situationship”? Everything You Need to Know

You’ve probably heard the term “situationship”–but what is it? 

As you might have guessed, it’s not quite a relationship… but not quite not-a-relationship. A situationship is a relationship that’s also a complicated situation–one that hasn’t (yet) been defined. So what’s the difference between a “relationship” and a “situationship”? 

A situationship is pretty noncommittal, like a one-night-stand that goes beyond the one night, for example. Or you might not be dating, but you are going on “dates”. If you’re in the awkward stage before you’ve defined the relationship, you’re likely in a situationship. 

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A situationship doesn’t have to be a bad thing! Lots of people would prefer a casual relationship; the problems come when feelings enter the picture, especially if they aren’t requited. Can you tell whether or not you’re in a situationship? 

A relationship will have deep conversations; a situationship has mostly small talk. Most people want to be able to have a meaningful conversation with their partner, not just talk about what happened at work that day. Do you find yourself struggling to move beyond small talk, or only talking about feelings when they’re, you know, sexy feelings? That’s a sign that your relationship might be a situationship, and only skin deep. If that’s a problem, it’s good to have a conversation with your partner about communication and talking about “real” things in your lives. 

Relationships have long-term plans; situationships are short-term only. Do you and your partner find yourselves always making plans last-minute? Do you tend not to look seriously at the future? 

Continue Reading: https://amethystmagazine.com/what-is-a-situationship-everything-you-need-to-know/

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